Well, after a great camp in Bannack(so much history), we headed out to Lima. This ride goes down as one of the worst so far.
It started out innocent enough, riding through huge swaths of range land with the Beaverhead Mountains to our right. We ticked off 25 miles with little effort. Then the wind started to pick up. Those endless miles that we could see before us, stopped going by so fast. We tried to keep our heads down as much as possible, hoping that if we just peddled harder we would be done. But the wind was really howling. We found ourselves pedaling hard downhill just to go 6 miles an hour. NOT FAIR! Side gusts practically knocked me off my bike. Daren turned his back slightly to try to become a sail! Our water was getting low, the heat was on, and pumping water in very questionable pasture land did not seem like a good idea. With the fear of running out of water, and 33 miles to go, we slowly made our way.
We ended in Lima(not a highlight), way worse for wear. Sarah said the RV park owner hears comments from other cyclists that this area is the worst of the ride. At least we weren't the only ones!
More pics here
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